Bootstrap Dart

Bootstrap 5 components, assets (scss, js) and framework bindings for Dart on the web. Support for theming with scss, Bootstrap Icons and dark mode with Bootstrap Dark.
You can find more information in the Github Repo and README.

Examples Showcase

Some examples of deployed pages using Bootstrap Dart.


Multiplayer board game with probabilities and bluffing.


Todo lists with tags, filtering, duration and priority.


Continuous integration and deployment Leto GraphQL Dart server.

Components Gallery

Most of the components and some utilities supported in this library are presented in the following sections along with the necessary Dart code to represent them.



Body 1

Body 2

Body 3
accordion( id: 'accordion-example', flush: flush.value, multipleOpened: multipleOpened.value, items: { 'item1': AccordionItem( header: [txt('Header 1')], body: [txt('Body 1')], ), 'item2': AccordionItem( header: [txt('Header 2')], body: [txt('Body 2')], ), 'item3': AccordionItem( header: [txt('Header 3')], body: [txt('Body 3')], ), }, ),

button( className: btn(), children: [txt('primary')], ), button( className: btn(outlined: true, color: BColor.danger), children: [txt('danger-outlined')], ), button( className: btn(size: BSize.lg, color: BColor.secondary), children: [txt('secondary-lg')], ), button( className: btn(size:, color: BColor.dark), children: [txt('dark-sm')], ), button( className: btn(active: true), children: [txt('primary-active')], ),

Button Group


content: fc( (ctx) { final value1 = ctx.state('value1', 'Left'); final value2 = ctx.state('value2', {'B', 'C'}); final value3 = ctx.state<String?>('value3', null); return div( className: 'hstack gap-3 align-self-center', children: [ buttonGroup<String>( buttonClass: btn(outlined: true), renderItem: (str) => [txt(str)], selection: UserSelection.single(value1.value, (selected) { value1.value = selected; }), values: const ['Left', 'Middle', 'Right'], ), buttonGroup<String>( size:, buttonClass: btn(outlined: true, color: BColor.dark), renderItem: (str) => [txt(str)], selection: UserSelection.many(value2.value, (selected) { value2.value = selected; }), values: const ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ), buttonGroup<String>( size: BSize.lg, vertical: true, buttonClass: btn(outlined: true), renderItem: (str) => [txt(str)], selection: UserSelection.indeterminate(value3.value, (selected) { value3.value = selected; }), values: const ['Top', 'Bottom'], ), ], ); }, ),

icon(BIcon.alarm, ariaLabel: 'Alarm'), icon(BIcon.alarm, color: 'blue'), icon(BIcon.alarm, color: 'blue', fontSize: '2rem'), icon(BIcon.lightning, color: 'grey'),

Info Alert

Alert heading

Success message for Alert with heading
div( className: alert(color:, children: [txt('Info Alert')], ), div( className: alert(color: BColor.success), children: [ el( 'h4', attributes: {'class': 'alert-heading'}, children: [txt('Alert heading')], ), txt('Success message for Alert with heading'), ], ),

Info Alert
Success rounded
div( className: badge(color:, children: [txt('Info Alert')], ), div( className: badge(color: BColor.success, rounded: true), children: [txt('Success rounded')], ), div( className: badge(color: BColor.primary, rounded: true), children: [txt('49')], ),

Close Button


White close button
content: div( className: 'd-flex justify-content-evenly', children: [ closeButton(), div( className: 'bg-success rounded-3 p-2 text-light d-flex', children: [ span(className: 'pe-2', children: [txt('White close button')]), closeButton(white: true) ], ), closeButton(disabled: true), ], ),

This is some placeholder content for a horizontal collapse. It's hidden by default and shown when triggered.
This is some placeholder content for a horizontal collapse. It's hidden by default and shown when triggered.
content: div( className: 'col', children: [ div( className: 'm-3', children: [ collapseButton( collapseId: 'collapseExample', buttonClass: btn( size:, color: BColor.dark, ), children: [txt('More Info')], ), div( className: '${collapse()} m-2', id: 'collapseExample', children: [ div( className: 'card card-body', children: [ txt('This is some placeholder content for a horizontal collapse.' " It's hidden by default and shown when triggered."), ], ), ], ) ], ), div( className: 'm-3', children: [ collapseButton( collapseId: 'collapseHorizontalExample', buttonClass: btn(), children: [txt('More Info Horizontal')], ), div( style: 'height:100px;padding:10px;', children: [ div( className: collapse(horizontal: true, show: true), id: 'collapseHorizontalExample', children: [ div( className: 'card card-body', style: "width: 300px;", children: [ txt('This is some placeholder content for a horizontal collapse.' " It's hidden by default and shown when triggered.") ], ) ], ) ], ), ], ), ], ),

3Larry the Bird@twitter
table( className: tableClass( hover: hover.value, bordered: bordered.value, borderless: borderless.value, captionTop: captionTop.value, striped: striped.value, small: small.value, color: color.value, align: align.value, scrollHorizontal: scrollHorizontal.value, ), children: [ if (showCaption.value) caption(children: [txt('List of users')]), thead( className: headerColor.value == null ? null : tableClass(color: headerColor.value), children: [ tr( children: [ th(scope: 'col', children: [txt('#')]), th(scope: 'col', children: [txt('First')]), th(scope: 'col', children: [txt('Last')]), th(scope: 'col', children: [txt('Handle')]), ], ), ], ), tbody( children: [ ...items.mapIndexed( (index, item) => tr( children: [ th( scope: 'row', children: [txt('${index + 1}')]), td( colspan: (item['last'] != null ? 1 : 2).toString(), children: [txt(item['first'] as String)], ), if (item['last'] != null) td(children: [txt(item['last'] as String)]), td(children: [txt(item['handle'] as String)]), ], ), ), ], ), if (showFooter.value) tfoot( children: [ tr( children: Iterable.generate( 4, (index) => td( children: [txt('Footer $index')], ), ), ), ], ), ], ),

content: div( className: 'd-flex justify-content-evenly', children: [ tooltipWrapper( title: 'Tooltip title', children: [ button( className: btn(), children: [txt('Button')], ), ], ), tooltipWrapper( title: '<em>Tooltip</em> <u>with</u> <b>HTML</b>' '<br>placed right<br>with "5,5" offset', attributes: tooltipAttributes( allowHtml: true, placement: Placement.right, offset: '5,5', ), children: [ button( className: btn(), children: [txt('Custom HTML Tooltip')], ), ], ), ], ),

Link hover and focus trigger
content: div( style: flexStyle(main: AxisAlign.space_evenly, cross:, children: [ popoverWrapper( attributes: popoverAttributes(title: 'popover title'), content: 'popover content', children: [ button( className: btn(), children: [txt('Button')], ), ], ), popoverWrapper( attributes: popoverAttributes( triggers: [TooltipTrigger.focus, TooltipTrigger.hover], ), content: 'popover content', children: [ a( href: '#', children: [txt('Link hover and focus trigger')], ), ], ), // el( // 'a', // attributes: { // ...popoverAttributes( // content: 'popover content', // triggers: [TooltipTrigger.focus, TooltipTrigger.hover], // ), // 'href': '#', // }, // children: [txt('Link hover and focus trigger')], // ), popoverWrapper( content: '<em>popover</em> <u>with</u> <b>HTML</b>' '<br>placed bottom<br>with "25,8" offset', attributes: popoverAttributes( allowHtml: true, placement: Placement.bottom, offset: '25,8', ), children: [ button( className: btn(), children: [txt('Custom HTML popover')], ), ], ), ], ),

content: div( className: 'd-flex justify-content-evenly align-items-center', children: [ spinner(), spinner(grow: true, color: BColor.success), spinner(color: BColor.dark, size:, spinner(grow: true, size:, button( className: btn(), children: [ spinner( size:, ariaHidden: true, color: BColor.light, className: 'me-2', ), txt('Loading'), ], ), ], ),

content: div( style: 'height:300px', children: [ fc((ctx) { final withHeader = ctx.hookRef(() => true); final controller = useMemo( ctx, () => ToastsController(), ); final text = ctx.state('text', 'A message'); return div( className: 'd-flex flex-column', style: 'position:relative;height:100%;', children: [ div( className: 'm-2', style: 'width:400px;display:flex;align-items:center;', children: [ input( className: 'form-control px-2', value: text.value, oninput: (e) => text.value = (! as html.InputElement).value!, ), el('span', attributes: {'style': 'width:10px'}), button( className: btn(), onclick: (_) => controller.add( toastContent( showCloseButton: true, header: withHeader.value ? [txt('A Header')] : null, body: [txt(text.value)], ), ), children: [txt('Show')], ), el('span', attributes: {'style': 'width:10px'}), check( checked: withHeader.value, onChange: (checked) { withHeader.value = checked; }, label: span( style: 'white-space: nowrap;', children: [ txt('With Header'), ], ), ), ], ), div( className: 'bg-light flex-grow-1', children: [ controller.render(), ], ) ], ); }) ], ),

Bad job :(
Good job!
Horizontal labels
Invalid feedback
content: fc((ctx) { final size = ctx.hookState<BSize?>(() => null); final floating = ctx.hookState(() => true); final tooltipValidation = ctx.hookState(() => false); final switchState = ctx.hookState(() => false); final radioState = ctx.hookState<String?>(() => null); final checkState = ctx.hookState(() => false); final selectState = ctx.hookState(() => 'A'); const divClass = ' col-md-4 py-2'; return div( className: 'd-flex flex-column', children: [ div( style: flexCenter(), children: [ _simpleCheck('floating', floating), _simpleCheck('tooltipValidation', tooltipValidation), _simpleSelect<BSize?>( [null, ...BSize.values], (v) => v?.name ?? 'default size', size, ), ], ), form( className: 'p-3 ${BText.start}', children: [ div( className: 'row', children: [ if (floating.value) div( className: divClass, children: [ div( className: inputGroupClass(size: size.value) + ' flex-nowrap', children: [ span( className: inputGroupTextClass, children: [txt('@')], ), labeledInput( divClass: 'flex-grow-1', label: txt('Label'), id: 'labeled-input', floating: floating.value, input: input( className: formControlClass(size: size.value), type: 'text', placeholder: 'Placeholder', id: 'labeled-input', ), ), ], ), ], ) else labeledInput( wrapperDivClass: divClass, label: txt('Label'), id: 'labeled-input', floating: floating.value, input: div( className: inputGroupClass(size: size.value), children: [ span( className: inputGroupTextClass, children: [txt('@')], ), input( className: formControlClass(size: size.value), type: 'text', placeholder: 'Placeholder', id: 'labeled-input', ), ], ), ), labeledInput( wrapperDivClass: divClass, label: txt('Label Invalid'), id: 'labeled-input-invalid', floating: floating.value, feedback: InputFeedback( tooltip: tooltipValidation.value, invalid: 'Bad job :(', ), input: input( className: formControlClass( size: size.value, isValid: false), type: 'text', placeholder: 'Placeholder Invalid', id: 'labeled-input-invalid', ), ), labeledInput( wrapperDivClass: divClass, label: txt('Label Valid'), id: 'labeled-input-valid', floating: floating.value, feedback: InputFeedback( tooltip: tooltipValidation.value, valid: 'Good job!', ), input: input( className: formControlClass(size: size.value, isValid: true), type: 'text', placeholder: 'Placeholder Valid', id: 'labeled-input-valid', ), ), ], ), fc((ctx) { final colClasses = ColInputClasses( label: 'col-sm-4 col-lg-3' '${size.value != null ? ' col-form-label-${size.value!.name}' : ''}', input: 'col-sm-8 col-lg-9', ); return div( children: [ h5( className: 'mt-3', children: [txt('Horizontal labels')], ), labeledInput( wrapperDivClass: 'my-2', label: txt('Label TextArea'), id: 'labeled-textarea', divClass: 'row', colClasses: colClasses, input: textarea( className: formControlClass(size: size.value), placeholder: 'Placeholder', style: 'height:100px;', id: 'labeled-textarea', ), ), labeledInput( wrapperDivClass: 'my-2', label: txt('Label Select'), id: 'labeled-select', divClass: 'row', colClasses: colClasses, input: _simpleSelect<String>( ['A', 'B', 'C'], (d) => d, selectState, id: 'labeled-select', ), ), fieldset( id: 'labeled-switch', className: 'row my-2', children: [ legend( className: 'col-form-label ${colClasses.label} pt-0', children: [txt('Checks')], ), div( className: colClasses.input, children: [ // check( // checked: switchState.value, // onChange: (v) => switchState.value = v, // id: 'labeled-switch', // label: txt('Switch Label'), // type: CheckType.switch_, // ), RadiosInput( name: 'labeled-radio-name', onChanged: (v) => radioState.value = v, items: Map.fromIterable( const ['A', 'B', 'C'], value: (v) => txt(v as String), ), selectedId: radioState.value, ), check( divClass: 'mt-2', checked: checkState.value, onChange: (v) => checkState.value = v, id: 'labeled-check', label: txt('Switch Label'), type: CheckType.checkbox, isValid: false, feedback: InputFeedback( tooltip: tooltipValidation.value, invalid: 'Invalid feedback', ), ), ], ), ], ), ], ); }), ], ), ], ); }),



Laudantium ex tempora ratione illo velit sed asperiores.
content: div( children: [ fc((ctx) { final backdrop = ctx.state('backdrop', true); final keyboard = ctx.state('keyboard', true); final scroll = ctx.state('scroll', false); final offcanvasRef = ctx.hookRef<Offcanvas?>(() => null); final placement = ctx.state<OffcanvasPlacement>( 'placement', OffcanvasPlacement.end); const labelId = 'offcanvas-example-label'; return fragment([ el( 'button', attributes: { 'class': btn() + 'm-2', ...toggleButtonAttributes( component: TogglableComponent.offcanvas, targetId: 'offcanvas-example', ), }, children: [txt('Toggle by attributes')], ), button( className: btn() + 'm-2', onclick: (_) => offcanvasRef.value!.toggle(), children: [txt('Toggle by ref')], ), _simpleCheck('backdrop', backdrop), _simpleCheck('keyboard', keyboard), _simpleCheck('scroll', scroll), dropdown( buttonClass: btn(outlined: true), buttonContent: [txt('Placement: ${}')], children: [ (e) => dropdownItem( onClick: (_) => placement.value = e, active: placement.value == e, children: [txt(], ), ) ], ), offcanvas( attributes: offcanvasAttributes( placement: placement.value, id: 'offcanvas-example', backdrop: backdrop.value, keyboard: keyboard.value, scroll: scroll.value, labelledBy: labelId, ), offcanvasRef: offcanvasRef, labelId: labelId, title: [txt('Title')], body: [ txt('Laudantium ex tempora ratione illo velit sed asperiores.'), ], ), ]); }), ], ),



content: div( children: [ fc((ctx) { final wave = ctx.hookState(() => false); return fragment([ _simpleCheck('wave', wave), div(style: flexCenter(), children: [ div( className: placeholder( glow: !wave.value, wave: wave.value, className: 'text-start m-4', ), style: 'width:500px;', children: [ span( className: placeholder( size: PlaceholderSize.lg, color:, className: 'col-9 mb-1', ), ), span(className: placeholder(className: 'col-7')), span(className: placeholder(className: 'col-4')), span(className: placeholder(className: 'col-4')), span(className: placeholder(className: 'col-6')), span( className: placeholder( size: PlaceholderSize.xs, className: 'col-9 mt-1', ), ), placeholderButton('col-4 ${btn()} mt-2'), ], ), ]) // ElementNode.fromHtml( // html.DivElement() // ..innerHtml = """ // <p class="placeholder-glow card-text"> // <span class="placeholder col-7"></span> // <span class="placeholder col-4"></span> // <span class="placeholder col-4"></span> // <span class="placeholder col-6"></span> // <span class="placeholder col-8"></span> // </p>"""), ]); }), ], ),



Item 1

Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.

Item 2

Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.

Item 3

Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.

Item 4

Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.

content: div( className: 'row mx-1', children: [ div( className: 'col-4', children: [ div( className: 'nav list-group', id: 'list-example', children: [ a( className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action nav-link', href: '#list-item-1', children: [txt('Item 1')], ), a( className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action nav-link', href: '#list-item-2', children: [txt('Item 2')], ), a( className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action nav-link', href: '#list-item-3', children: [txt('Item 3')], ), a( className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action nav-link', href: '#list-item-4', children: [txt('Item 4')], ), ], ) ], ), div( className: 'col-8', children: [ fc((ctx) { final ref = ctx.hookRef<html.Element?>(() => null); final scrollSpy = useScrollSpy(ctx, ref, target: '#list-example'); return el( 'div', ref: ref, attributes: { 'style': 'position:relative;height:200px;overflow-y:scroll;', ...scrollSpy.attributes, }, children: [ h4(id: 'list-item-1', children: [txt('Item 1')]), p(children: [ txt('Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.') ]), h4(id: 'list-item-2', children: [txt('Item 2')]), p(children: [ txt('Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.') ]), h4(id: 'list-item-3', children: [txt('Item 3')]), p(children: [ txt('Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.') ]), h4(id: 'list-item-4', children: [txt('Item 4')]), p(children: [ txt('Esse sapiente non ullam nihil qui quisquam. Molestiae nihil debitis eaque sint neque nisi. Quia a minima veritatis aut distinctio officiis ratione. Culpa explicabo tempore tenetur. Qui rem voluptatem iusto minima ad aut dolores est velit.') ]), ], ); }), ], ), ], ),