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Leto GraphQL Dart Server

Documentation for Leto GraphQL Dart server libraries

Easy to Use

Documentation, code generation, the Dart language, multiple utilities implemented and the great GraphQL Language provide a seamless developer experience.

Focus on What Matters

Leto lets you focus on your server logic. Annotate your Dart code and generate a clear GraphQL Schema API. Validate your inputs with the valida package and support Web Sockets subscriptions.

Powered by Dart

Develop and release to production using the awesome Dart language. Hot reload, sound static typing, great community. Share the knowledge from your Flutter or Dart Web clients.

Build Reliable Servers

Great test coverage, and error handling, strong static analysis coupled with GraphQL's Type System. Using Dart's sound static typing, linter and compiler.


Multiple modules for execution (leto), schema creation (leto_schema) and code generation (leto_generator). With support for extensions, directives, attachments and more.


Fully open source integrated with json_serializable, freezed, gql, valida, shelf and examples with database integration, Dart clients, authentication libraries.