📄️ Leto Generator
Generates package:leto_schema's GraphQLSchemas from annotated Dart classes and functions. This is a code-first generator which will generate different GraphQL elements based on annotations in Dart code.
📄️ Table of contents
- Examples
📄️ Examples
Multiple examples with tests can be found in the examples folder.
📄️ Annotations (Decorators)
All annotations with documentation and the supported configuration parameters can be found in package:letoschema's decorators file.
📄️ Dart Type to GraphQLType coercion
Dart types specified as fields of classes or input parameters in resolvers will be coerced into GraphQLTypes using the following rules.
📄️ Resolvers
Resolvers execute the main logic in an executable GraphQLSchema. These are functions that represent queries, mutations or subscriptions.
📄️ Global Configuration (build.yaml)
You can make global configuration for the code generation with the build.yaml file at the root of your project (next to your pubspec.yaml). The following configurations can be specified: