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Beside the tests from each package, you can find some usage example in the following directories and external repositories:

Code Generator example

An example with multiple ways of creating a GraphQLSchema with different GraphQL types and resolvers from code generation can be found in

Fullstack Dart Chat

A fullstack Dart example with Flutter client and Leto/Shelf server can be found in The server is in the server folder.

  • Sqlite3 and Postgres database integrations
  • Subscriptions
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Sessions
  • Tests
  • File uploads
  • Client/Server GraphQL extensions integration
  • Docker

Chat functionalities

  • Send/receive/delete messages in realtime
    • File uploads
    • Link metadata
    • Reply to other messages
  • Client cache through Ferry and Hive
  • Create chat rooms, add/remove users and share authorized invite links
  • View complete usage history with events for the most important mutations
  • View all user sessions

Server example

A Leto/Shelf server example with multiple models, code generation, some utilities and tests can be found in

Room Signals

A service with room and messages, an user can subscribe to a room to listen to messages and send private or group-wide messages. Useful for simple messages or setting up peer-to-peer protocols like WebRTC. The service uses web sockets and in the source code repository there are three projects:

  1. The Leto Shelf GraphQL server. Everything is saved in memory
  2. A Dart client using Artemis
  3. A Web Dart client using package:rad

You can view the code in the Github repo. The client UI and some links to the different GraphQL Schema UI explorer is deployed in this page.

CI & CD Dart Server

Work in Progress

A service for compiling, executing and tracking the build process and deployment. With a git repository, one can set up a CLI pipeline for continuous integration and delivery. All the commands are tracked in realtime. This is a simple personal project for deploying in a VM. The service uses web sockets and the source code repository has three projects:

  1. The Leto Shelf GraphQL server. Everything is saved in memory
  2. A Dart client using package:graphql and package:graphql_codegen
  3. A Web Dart client using package:jaspr

You can view the code in the Github repo. The client UI and some links to the different GraphQL Schema UI explorer is deployed in this page.