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GraphQL Types

For a more thorough discussion about all the GraphQL types and their usage with Leto, please see the GraphQL Schema Types Documentation.

Scalar types

All of the GraphQL scalar types (GraphQLScalarType) are built in:

  • graphQLString
  • graphQLId
  • graphQLBoolean
  • graphQLInt
  • graphQLFloat

As well other additional types, provided for types in Dart's standard library:

Additional scalar types

  • graphQLDate
  • graphQLBigInt
  • graphQLTimestamp
  • graphQLUri

Composed Types

  • GraphQLObjectType
  • GraphQLUnionType
  • GraphQLEnumType
  • GraphQLInputObjectType
  • GraphQLListType
  • GraphQLNonNullType

Helpers and Extensions

These are helpers to create a GraphQL types within Dart. Most of them can be found in the /lib/src/gen.dart file.

  • objectType - Create a GraphQLObjectType with fields
  • field - Create a GraphQLField with a type/argument/resolver
  • inputObjectType - Creates a GraphQLInputObjectType
  • inputField - Creates a field for a GraphQLInputObjectType
  • listOf - Create a GraphQLListType with the provided innerType

Methods on GraphQLType

  • list - Create a GraphQLListType from the type
  • nonNull - Create a GraphQLNonNullType from the type
  • nullable - Returns the inner type of GraphQLNonNullType or itself it it is nullable
  • field - Create a GraphQLField (extension method)
  • inputField - Create a field for a GraphQLInputObjectType (extension method)

The extensions on GraphQLType with the field and inputField methods are recommended over the global function to preserve the GraphQLType's generic type information.

Serialization and SerdeCtx

GraphQL types can serialize and deserialize input data. The exact implementation of this depends on the type.

final serdeCtx = SerdeCtx();
final String iso8601String = graphQLDate.serialize(;
final DateTime date = graphQLDate.deserialize(serdeCtx, iso8601String);

Values passed through deserialize and serialize should round-trip.


A Serialization and Deserialization Context (SerdeCtx) allows you to create types from serialized values. It registers Serializers for any type that can be used with generics.


GraphQL types can validate input data. If the validation is successful, the GraphQLType.deserialize method should return an instance of the Dart type.

final validation = myType.validate('key', {...});

if (validation.successful) {
} else {

Non-Nullable Types

You can easily make a type non-nullable by calling its nonNull method.

List Types

Support for list types is also included. Use the list method from GraphQLType or the listOf helper function for convenience.

/// A non-nullable list of non-nullable integers

Input values and parameters

Take the following GraphQL query:

anime {
characters(title: "Hunter x Hunter") {

And subsequently, its schema:

type AnimeQuery {
characters($title: String!): [Character!]

type Character {
name: String
age: Int

The field characters accepts a parameter, title. To reproduce this in package:leto_schema, use GraphQLFieldInput:

final GraphQLObjectType queryType = objectType(
fields: [
inputs: [
GraphQLFieldInput('title', graphQLString.nonNull()),

final GraphQLObjectType characterType = objectType(
fields: [
field('name', graphQLString),
field('age', graphQLInt),

In the majority of cases where you use GraphQL, you will be delegate the actual fetching of data to a database object, or some asynchronous resolver function.

package:leto_schema includes this functionality in the resolve parameter, which is a function that receives the parent object and a Ctx with a Map<String, dynamic> of input arguments.

A hypothetical example of the above might be:

final field = field(
resolve: (_, Ctx ctx) async {
final Stream<String> stream = await myDatabase.findCharacters(ctx.args['title']);
return stream;