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This package provides shelf handlers for answering HTTP requests.



Handles POST and GET requests for "application/graphql", "application/json", "application/graphql+json" and "multipart/form-data" mime types. The implementations follows the and specifications.

  • POST requests support GraphQL Query and Mutation operations
  • We restrict GET requests to allow only GraphQL Query operations
  • Support for file Upload with "multipart/form-data" bodies

A 200 status code with a JSON body will be sent by default, with a structure following the spec.

A 400 status code will be sent for requests that do not follow the specifications.

// TODO: A 400 status code will be sent for requests with validation errors.

A 405, method not allowed, status code will be sent for Mutation operations in GET requests



Handles Query, Mutation and Subscription requests using the "graphql-ws" or "graphql-transport-ws" Web Socket subprotocols. When using this handler, the headers and response utilities will have no effect.

The validateIncomingConnection parameter allows you to support authentication for your Web Socket connection, it also passes a GraphQLWebSocketServer as an argument which could be used for closing the connection. Some ping and keep alive Duration configuration parameters are provided to remove stale connection or identify problems when reaching the client.

// TODO: 2A throwing in the subscribe field function

Web UI Explorers


These web pages will allow you to explore your GraphQL Schema, view all the types and fields, read each element's documentation, and execute requests against a GraphQL server.

Usually exposed as static HTML in your deployed server. Each has multiple configurations for determining the default tabs, queries and variables, the GraphQL HTTP and WebSocket (subscription) endpoints, the UI's theme and more.

All of the static HTML files and configurations can be found in the graphql_ui folder.


Documentation. Use graphiqlHandler. The classic GraphQL explorer


Documentation. Use playgroundHandler. Support for multiple tabs, subscriptions.


Documentation. Use altairHandler. Support for file Upload, multiple tabs, subscriptions, plugins.